I can not resist

No flea market for a while, that's what I wanted.
may sound crazy for a vintage lover like me...
As much as I enjoy my job, after a very busy period in my online store, I wanted to disconnect from it for a while. Nothing on my mind for a while, because lately when a large part of the world was locked down, everything continued as normal here. It was busier than ever around my online store. It was nice, but now I need a holiday.
And so we decided to take a break. I chose the South Eifel. There are hardly any antiques or antiques there, so I can't go wrong there.
The South Eifel is a piece of nostalgia for me. We used to go there regularly on holiday with the children, looking for Roman buildings, taking walks among the vineyards and visiting ruins and castles in the dark. We stayed on a farm, where the children drank freshly milked milk in the morning. Now we have gone back, in calmer waters and at a different location.
We have a beautiful view from our stay in the middle of a vineyard and I enjoy the peace. And the delicious wine.
We are not far from the French border. We visit a beautiful castle, which is still completely intact. With mainly the original furnishings. Full of antiques. And of course I enjoy it to the fullest.
Then we toured around a bit.
And then I see it from a distance.
A sign with 'brocante'. And of course I can't resist. This always happens when I plan to avoid the flea market.
Jos doesn't even ask if we should stop. It just happens, as if it was agreed.
The brocante literally meets us on the sidewalk here. The merchant has stuffed and stacked everything. So confusing and so much mess, but that's the exciting thing, to find something in between.
There are still a few people walking around. And among all those mountains of stuff, everyone will find something beautiful.
So do we. It will never be possible to travel completely flea market free. And you don't have to. I enjoyed it again. It is not so much about not coming into contact with flea market, but more about the stress factor and that was not there now.
When we go home, we have flea market in the car outside our suitcases and a few boxes of delicious wine.

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