
She's coming to stay, granddaughter Femme. It's been a long time since she actually came to stay.
She is now ten years old and already a big girl. I'm really looking forward to her arrival. That little one is so cute. But this age is also fantastic.
I have decided to work as little as possible for the webshop and I have made good progress. Still, some packages have to go out. When I ask her if she wants to make gifts for the customers, she eagerly says: 'yes!' And so it is that I suddenly have an employee. She does it so neatly, with a bow and all. We play games, make something beautiful from her mom's old origami box and we go out for dinner with grandpa.
We bake spekkoek because this is her favorite pastry. Two hours later we're done, but it's worth it. He's delicious.
She works on it with such concentration and she is meticulous.
She can already split eggs. What do you want with a mom who is always baking?
One of these days I will put the recipe on my website under the heading 'cooking and baking'. Definitely do it if you have a lot of time.
And so the online store makes room for a sweet girl. After two nights of sleep she goes home again. How I miss her friendliness...
Then there is plenty of work to be done, literally…
And now I'm preparing for our holiday. Just get away from it all, now really without flea markets. Don't have to do anything before the busy time of preparations for the Christmas Open Days begin.
That is why there will be no new website update next Tuesday, September 6. Fortunately, there are still plenty of beautiful products online and you can simply place an order. And also look under the heading 'SALE, there are many new beautiful bargains!!!! . I will wear this category before I leave. Please keep in mind that I will not ship for a week, so you will have to wait a little longer for your package than you are used to from me.
On Tuesday, September 13, I will replenish my website and you can order beautiful new finds from 9:30 am.
Until then!

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